Não conhecido detalhes sobre 33 Immortals Gameplay

I spent a large chunk of my time with the game on the first available map, Hell. Entering Purgatory, the second map, requires special keys that can only be obtained by progressing far enough with the final boss battle in Hell (a three-headed Lucifer). While I managed to snag some keys, not many players from the review session were available to join whenever I entered this new world and usually ended up dying almost immediately due to the much higher tier of enemies and horde numbers.

Face the Wrath of God, and stay bold – for He will end your quest swiftly and often. Expand your epic arsenal with weapons empowered by sins and virtues, loot the spoils of His realms, equip potent new relics to match your playstyle, and gain permanent upgrades to your soul. Inspired by the Divine Comedy

S’agissant de l’Inferno, le boss final qui nous attend n’est autre qual Lucifer en personne. Et cet Ange dé especialmentechu risque clairement por jeter un froid lorsque vous le rencontrerez. Il arbore en effet une forme gargantuesque et fonctionne exactement comme un boss do raid dans un MMO plus conventionnel : une barre do vie interminable, des attaques do zone proprement dévastatrices si on ne parvient pas à les esquiver, invocation por hordes do monstres pour nous ralentir, et des phases où il faudra être particulièrement efficace, au risque d’être éradiqué especialmentes en un clin d’œil. 

Returning here always had me cursing my death at first but then being excited to find out what I could unlock with my character using everything I had accomplished during the run. This involves unlocking more perk slots, upgrading them, handing in quests, wishing for certain boons that may appear in the next run, and noting future goals to strike towards

Going in alone is a death sentence and even small groups struggle, I quickly learned to wait for at least three other allies before attempting one. Outside these chambers, Bone Altars allow you to heal, buy Relic Chest Keys, or acquire Teleport Stones, which are indispensable for reaching allies or escaping danger when chaos erupts.

This is a large-scale cooperative dungeon diver roguelike, all streamlined for accessibility so that you can enjoy the best parts of a typical raid experience without much of the setup.

While the primary objective is to ascend from Hell and confront Lucifer, you need to upgrade your character with temporary powerups and perks to even stand a chance.

That Dark Woods safe haven I mentioned is where weapons are chosen, perks are wished for, and upgrades are purchased using loot from previous runs. At the early access launch, the title has four weapons to choose from: sword, bow, daggers, and staff, each offering a different play styles, movesets, and powers. After trying out the sword’s heavy slashes and blocks, the staff’s AOE blasts, and the dagger’s unrelenting aggressiveness, the bow was what I clicked with.

describes itself as a distillation of the MMO raid experience, an action-packed roguelike where 33 players are placed together on a large world map, a land littered with charred buildings and jagged spears of stone surrounded by flames. It’s also full of monsters. Lots of monsters.

Finishing 12 of these dungeons filled with waves of enemies is how the final fight against Hell’s mobs begins, all to prove the surviving souls’ worth facing Lucifer.

That also means you can join an open game at any time – there are more than enough enemies around should I just want a quick “pick-up and raid” session to earn some Shards to spend on cosmetics and Perks in The Dark Woods, your home base on this adventure. Having a constant flow of Souls in and out Inferno also fits nicely within the narrative of 33 Immortals

The available content isn’t a small amount, but feels just a little underwhelming when there’s promises being made for more things that are coming in 33 Immortals Gameplay a few months’ time. A small delay could have meant shipping the game with at least the missing options menu items.

That’s all I could gather about the lore before taking my repeated trips to Hell for all that loot and boss-slaying goodness. I suspect many players will be going the same route at launch too, as listening to NPCs and reading pages of lore are probably not what most action game fans want to do when they boot up a hardcore multiplayer experience.

Multiple times in different runs when me and a couple of others were attempting to take down a mini boss in the overworld without making much progress with health bars dwindling. Soon, another group players that was simply passing through waded in to help out, slicing through the mobs like butter. Receiving help like this is exhilarating, usually combining the groups into a larger pile that can ravage through the map efficiently.

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